Menu planning. It really works.
I used to have a very flexible biweekly menu plan because I liked the freedom to try new recipes, new techniques, and fun ingredients. Cooking was my creative outlet. But as I got more sick and tired, all that flew out the window. Now, I try to make sure my artistic self can be expressed while I'm sitting or lying down (not kidding--but maybe that's another blog post).
This is how I do menu planning now.
I read
this article by Dr. Thomas Cowan about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and suddenly everything clicked. Since reading this (and with lots of help from his book
Fourfold Path to Healing), I've been concentrating on a diet that is:
- easy to digest
- has enough iron to address my anemia
- lots of broth and leafy greens to restore bone density
- focuses on my specific vitamin deficiencies like B-12 and zinc
- and will hopefully increase general health for not just me, but my husband and our two little girls, too.
If you don't have an autoimmune issue like I do, it's still a very healthy way to eat, and can be easily modified to be
GAPS- or
Paleo-friendly. I've been tweaking it since about September, and it's become my masterpiece. It works great... when I'm not too tired to cook, that is. (Oh Irony, you get me every time!)
My mom asked me if I would blog this, and ever the obliging daughter, here it is in its entirety. If this is too weird for you, or you have different nutritional needs, I highly recommend susbscribing to KerryAnn's menu plans at
Cooking Traditional Foods. I also like the "Everyday Gourmet" menu plan from
Eat Fat, Lose Fat (bad title, great book).
Okay, so here's what our family is eating....
Breakfast: Sauteed Veggies and
Pastured Pork Sausage
Crockpot Chicken,
Ginger Carrots, Kale, Baked Potatoes
(making yogurt in the crockpot)
Egg Muffins (with leftovers from Monday's breakfast) and fruit
Dinner: Chinese Chicken Salad (leftovers from Monday's dinner) over shredded Napa cabbage and
Egg Drop Soup (
made from broth from Monday)
or Chicken Tacos (leftovers from Monday's dinner) with
Cortido and Tomato Soup (
made with broth from Monday)
(making kimchi)
Breakfast: Baked Apples and Meatballs
Salad Nicoise (with very rare grilled tuna steaks) and Carrot Soup (
made with broth from Monday)
or Grilled Tuna Steaks (again, very rare) with Napa Cabbage Slaw and kimchi
(the finished kimchi)
Pork Jowls and Cabbage, Applesauce
Miso Chicken Soup, Stir Fried Veggies, Asian Steak Tartare (Recipe from
Nourishing Traditions, see explanation
(a vat of chicken stock)
Sauteed Chicken Livers and Applesauce
Corned Beef with cabbage and carrots,
Homemade Saurkraut
Soaked Oatmeal or Gluten-Free Pancakes
Dinner: free night
or Curried Lentils and
some sort of curry with a protein and Homemade Chutney (Recipe from
Nourishing Traditions)
Sunday (our busiest day)
Breakfast: leftovers
Dinner: leftovers
Our lunches are the same every day to give me a break from all that food prep. The girls get gluten-free PBJ's, fruit, and yogurt. I have a smoothie or leftovers. My hubby makes his lunches on Sunday, usually grilled chicken and something green like salad or sauteed kale. This is my master list, but it's very flexible week to week. Some days, we just have scrambled eggs and yogurt for dinner, and that's okay. But having a guideline helps me get back on track faster, keep grocery costs lower, makes shopping easier, and generally helps life go smoother--for all of us.
What about you? Do you menu plan? Let me know in the comments!